Does your company employ less than 50 people? You are definitely going to find this article helpful. What if you could get higher sales per customer visit by doing one simple thing? Read on to find out what you can do.

Let’s discuss Meraki Go, a wireless solution by Cisco Meraki created just for companies with 50 employees or less. Obviously, a company this size would not be a fit for Meraki enterprise portfolio.
Meraki Go is managed through the app and is built specifically for small businesses in a single location with under 50 employees. The Meraki Go GR10 and GR60 are dual-band, 802.11ac Wave 2 access points for both indoor and outdoor use. Small offices, independent retailers, or local hospitality businesses – this is for you!
Meraki Go guarantees a secure network and an easy to use product. It doesn’t matter if a business is providing guest WiFi, running a corporate network, or segmenting point-of-sale devices.
Meraki Go has many selling points, let’s start with a few of the top points. You always want to make sure your network is safe, Meraki Go blocks websites that you want to keep off of your network. Depending on the location of the business, it provides usage limits for locations with limited internet bandwidth. You can very easily set up a guest WiFi network separate from your point-of-sale devices or internal printers. Worried about security? Don’t be, there are helpful automatic security updates whenever there is a new internet threat detected. You can also easily check in and manage your network from anywhere using the mobile app

If your small, single-site office wants to offer easy access to employees, clients, contractors, and visitors – Meraki Go is the perfect solution. You can rely on fast internet to power workstations, cloud services, and connected devices!
Another perfect candidate for Meraki Go is an independent retailer, single-site, non-chain storefront-based business. They usually rely on internet connected devices (POS, cameras) and cloud services (employee scheduling, payroll, taxes, ordering).
Lastly, a hospitality business that is local and non-chain that wants to create an unforgettable experience for their guests: reliable WiFi, background music, etc. They want their guests to return and continue to make purchases there.
Meraki states that, “79% of businesses offering WiFi says that it helps keep customers happy while they wait.” So why waste anymore time? If you are interested in incorporating Meraki Go into your business, let us know! We would be more than happy to help you out with this process.

Below are links to datasheets for the indoor and outdoor WiFi Access Points used for Meraki Go.
Outdoor GR60 AP Indoor GR10 AP
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